Wednesday, August 10, 2005

ORA-12638 Credential retrieval failed

Trying to install Ora9iR2 and the server installation was already completed - the Installer was already at the Configurations and the weirdest thing happened - error in the title came from nowhere.

In short, I yelled, I googled and here it is - you have to go to your ORA_HOME\network\admin\sqlnet.ora and change the following line


into this


It disables the OS-based authentication, I think. That's why it failed. I didn't have oracle user named the same as my OS user..

Or maybe I'm completly on the wrong tracks - but it works, so I don't care as much anymore. (Well, I'd like to care, but there really isn't that much time in my hands, so I'll postpone the thorough investigation to the next time this happens :) )


Blogger Temporary said...

Dunno why it works, but it does. Thanks.

11:03 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i try but it's not working

11:20 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i try but it's not working

11:11 PM  

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